Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Arizona Bill on Illegal Aliens

I guess no one has read this bill.

All we hear on television and the radio, is how racist it is, and even the president is ignorant of the facts (he obviously hasn't read it either) and made an inane remark about people being stopped on the way to buy ice cream and asked for their "papers".

Why use an inflammatory term "papers" instead of identification (which is what it is) except to scare people into believing the authorities are some evil entity?

The law states very clearly that officers will ask for identification when making stops, however they are not to stop anyone without purpose.

What the heck is wrong with that? When I am stopped, I am asked for my drivers license. When I make a purchase, I am asked for my picture ID. When I make a hotel reservation, I am asked for picture ID. When I go to the doctor I am asked for my insurance card and a picture ID. When I try to enter my own country, I am asked for my passport. So what the heck is racist about that?

What is racist about requiring that those in this country be here legally?

What happened to the terms "Illegal Immigrant" or "Illegal Alien"? By removing the word "illegal" were we suppose to forget that that is what they are, illegal?

This country is great because of the immigrants who founded and tamed it. We still welcome immigrants who come here LEGALLY. Why would we only hear about the protests against the bill, instead of the 63% of Americans polled who support the bill?

I am tired of the propaganda and slanted media coverage.

I say enough!

1 comment:

flyer said...

The Illegals are doing all the protesting and they get all of the media coverage, What's wrong with this picture. Does anyone know what the word Illegal means. Why don't they mention the 63% of US citizens that want this bill.