Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Business Insides has an article "When You Defend Phil Robertson, Here's What You're Really Defending" WRONG

This article claims that if you defend Phil Robertson you are defending what he believes.  That is absolutely not the case.  Like so many in these last few days, Business Insides has decided to dredge up more (in their opinion) proof of what a terrible person Robertson is.

I defend the right to anyone expressing their own opinion.  I may not agree what Robertson said, just as I don't agree with what Charlie Sheen says, but instead of destroying them I say lets just pay attention to what we are doing as a country, glorify those we agree with and destroy those we don't.

A shame so many people are "afraid" of those who do not agree with them,  I say we need more people with the courage of their convictions, weather "I" agree with them or disagree.

 I refuse to try to destroy anyone just be cause I don't agree.

At least Robertson has not set out to destroy those he believes are sinners, he's gonna let God take care of them.

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